Strong stretching and versatility are the foundations of every twine. In a couple of workouts, these conditions are not met. To sit on a longitudinal twine, you must stretch daily, enjoy it, and have a soothing effect at the same time.
1.Using a chair to stretch the back of the legs

- Place a chair in front of you while sitting on the floor.
- Put one leg on it, emphasizing the heel, and pull without bending the knee.
- Alter the legs.
- Then, use both legs simultaneously.
- Stretch your legs for 20 seconds.
2.Preparation Quadriceps pre-exercise

- Bend one leg from a sitting position, bringing the foot under the pelvis.
- With your fist, bend the second and pull to the buttocks.
- Hold your legs out in front of you for 20 seconds.
3.Chair exercise for the back leg

Qualitatively aids in stretching the back leg.
- Place a chair behind your back at a safe distance.
- Bend your knees and put your hands on the floor.
- Concentrate on the chair with one foot, keeping the ankle on your toes.
- Lower yourself by bending your knee on the concrete.
- Keep for 30 seconds before switching sides.
4.Transition smooth to half-twine

To keep the hind leg tractioned and in the proper place.
- Place your hands on the floor and extend your back leg as far as possible.
- Lower your leg smoothly, hitting the floor with your knee.
- The front leg is raised at the knee first, then lowered to the side.
- Stretch your leg for 30 seconds in each location.
5.Adaptable twine

Difficult task for the experienced! The best exercise for perfecting the twine technique. Promotes effective, full leg stretching and strengthens the entire body’s muscular system.
- Enter the twine when resting your hands on the surface.
- The main task is to rapidly change legs, that is, to change their location one by one.
- By resting your hands on the floor, you can better control the process and your body posture.
- In a leap, it is critical to change legs without raising the body, relying solely on the legs and arms.
- When changing legs entirely without bending your knees, fall on the break.
- Begin with 6 shifts and gradually in
crease the number.