Ring Worms and Cats

Ringworm is a relatively prevalent skin infection that affects both dogs and cats. This skin illness isn’t caused by any form of worm, despite its name implying otherwise. It’s caused by fungi called Dermatophytes, which feed on dead tissues on the surface of the skin and distribute them throughout the animal’s skin.

M Canis, a form of fungus prevalent in roughly 95 percent of all ringworm cases in cats, is one of the most common. In most cases, cats contract ringworm from contaminated things such as bedding, clippers, or another animal that has the condition. If you have ringworm-infected animals in your home or in the neighborhood, your cat could easily get the disease.

If you have kittens or cats under the age of a year in your home, take extra precautions because they are more susceptible to ringworm. Kittens are more susceptible to contracting the sickness if they are allowed to roam outside. They are quickly infected if they come into contact with a contaminated object or another infected cat. Kittens’ immune systems take a long time to develop, and in the interim, they are more susceptible to common diseases like ringworm.

Rough or broken hairs, as well as hair loss around the head and paws, are the most prevalent ringworm signs in cats. A area of scaly skin on the body that seems itchy and irritated is a sure sign of ringworm. Broken hairs will also be present around the scaly skin patch. This area is extremely sensitive, and you should avoid touching it at all costs, as it will harm your cat.

If your pet exhibits any of the symptoms listed above, you should contact your veterinarian right away. If your cat has ringworm, your veterinarian may prescribe an ointment or medication. However, the severity of the ringworm will be determined by what he describes. You should give your cat the medications with meals if he recommends them. On the other hand, ointment is usually applied topically to the coat. To ensure that your cat heals, you should always follow your veterinarian’s instructions on a daily basis. The healing process takes a long time, usually six weeks or more.

Ringworm-infected cats should be labeled as such. Keep your children away from your pet if you have them in the house. Gloves should be worn whenever you handle your cat. Ringworms are contagious, so take caution at all times. Ringworm, despite being a benign condition, can cause major complications due to the delayed recovery time and the fact that it is communicable.

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