To stop dogs from howling excessively, you must first understand why they howl in the first place.
Dogs howl for a variety of reasons, but the most important thing to remember is that they howl to communicate. They utilize howling to attract attention, warn of intruders, and finally defend their territory. If your dog howls, you may need to work on reducing this tendency. However, But before you get angry at your dogs’ howl, consider why your dog might be howling excessively.
In dogs, howling is normal and primordial behavior. This is a form of communication, so don’t be alarmed if your dog howls now and then. However, if your dog is howling excessively, there may be a medical or psychological reason for this that has to be addressed.
Let’s have a look at the reasons behind excessive howling:
Separation anxiety causes excessive wailing
If your dog suffers from separation anxiety, it’s possible that this is one of the reasons he or she is howling excessively. When dogs are lonely, they howl. Separation anxiety causes dogs to become lonely within minutes of their guardian leaving the house. As a result, dogs howl to attract their owners’ attention and lead them back home.
Excessive howling would be followed by other behaviors indicating separation anxiety, such as pacing, melancholy, damage of goods and furniture around the house, and so on if your dog suffers from separation anxiety.
Medical reasons
If your dog starts wailing excessively, it could be an indication that he or she is in discomfort. When dogs are sick or injured, they have been spotted howling. If your dog starts wailing excessively for no apparent cause, you should visit your veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical issues.
Some sounds
There is nothing wrong with your dog if it just screams in response to high-pitched noises such as police or ambulance sirens, or high-pitched music, and then ceases when the music stops. Your dog is simply acting like a dog.
What can you do to stop your dog from howling excessively?
The technique for reducing excessive howling will be determined by the cause of the howling. If you address the underlying causes, the problem will go away on its own.
Howling excessively in response to sounds
If your dog is howling in reaction to sirens or other dogs howling, she or he will most likely stop once the siren or other dogs have stopped howling. This activity isn’t usually thought to be extreme. If your dog continues to howl after the trigger has gone, you’ll need to use counter conditioning and desensitization techniques to stop the behavior.
Desensitization and counterconditioning on a large scale
Separation anxiety, aggressiveness, and phobias are commonly treated with systematic desensitization and counter-conditioning. Desensitization is effective for any behavior that is rooted in emotions or arousal.
If your dog howls a lot to get your attention, it’s a sign that he’s trying to get your attention
You went running to your dog the first few times he or she howled. He or she now understands that a howl will draw your attention. As a result, your dog will howl until you give him or her what he or she wants. This is a simple problem to solve. When your dog is howl, don’t pay attention to her.
If you ignore your dog for a few days, he or she will learn that this type of behavior does not result in the guardian’s intended response. Simultaneously, your dog must understand that staying quiet is a better option. So, instead of ignoring your dog when she or he howls, pay attention to him or her when he or she stops howling. give him or her treats and praise the behavior. Eventually, he or she will realize that howling is a waste of energy and that being silent will get them what they want.
The lack of knowledge about excessive shrieking must be complete
After a few efforts at not responding, guardians frequently succumb to the wail. This is ineffective. Begin entirely ignoring your dog as soon as he or she begins to make noise. Don’t look at your dog, don’t touch him, and don’t talk to him. Also, don’t chastise him or her for bad behavior. Ignorance is all there is. Act as if your dog isn’t there. If your dog approaches you, cross your arms across your chest and turn away.
Reward positive conduct
This will necessitate teaching your dog, but it will be well worth it in the long run. Not only will this halt the howling, but it will also assist to reduce excessive barking. Most of the time, we pay attention to our pets when they are misbehaving. Do we, on the other hand, reward dogs for doing something good, such as remaining quiet? It is frequently overlooked.
You must also reward your dog’s positive behavior if you want him or her to cease howling to attract your attention. When your dog is quiet, reward him or her with attention, toys, and treats. This will encourage your dog to behave in a more positive manner.
Create a new rule at home. If your dog is wailing, he or she will not receive anything he or she desires, such as toys, rewards, food, or attention. Wait 5 seconds after the wailing steps have finished before doing anything with your dog. Do not pay attention if your dog starts howling during that 5-second time; ignore it. Only give your dog what he or she wants once he or she has been quiet for 5 seconds.

Teach your dog to be quiet when on command
It is possible to train your dog to obey your commands. It will take a little patience and time on your part, but the end result is absolutely attainable.
Request that your dog SPEAK. If your dog can communicate, he or she will howl or bark. When your dog responds to your command by vocalizing, praise him or her. If your dog already understands the command SPEAK, do not reinforce the action with toys or treats.
Then say QUIET out HUSH. When your dog stops vocalizing after receiving this instruction, praise him and give him or her a tasty treat. Continue to do this exercise again and over. Once your dog understands that USH or Silent indicates he or she must create barking or howl, gradually increase the amount of time the dog must remain quiet before being rewarded with a treat. When your dog has calmed down, give the treat right away. Then increase the time interval by 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds, and so on.
If necessary, get assistance
If you’re having trouble controlling your dog’s excessive howling, there’s no shame in seeking assistance from a trainer or dog behaviorist. Everyone wants the best for their children. It is advisable to hire a professional dog trainer that is qualified. Such trainers will assist you in training your dog while also providing you with helpful hints to ensure that your dog follows the instructions and stays on track.
Punishment should not be used
Punishment is never a good way to train a dog. For barking or wailing, many people choose to utilize shock collars. When a dog participates in an unpleasant activity, such collars shock the dog. Although such collars may be effective in preventing your dog from barking, your dog will never be the same. Shock collars not only cause physical injury to dogs, such as pain and burns, but they can also cause significant emotional distress. Shock collars for dogs are never recommended by a trained dog trainer or guardian.
Similarly, do not chastise your dog for displaying undesirable mediators. As I previously stated, if you pay attention to your dog when he or she barks or howls, you will notice that they are getting what they want. This will not assist in the cessation of undesirable conduct. When your dog starts howling excessively, simply ignore him. Reward your dog’s positive conduct with a treat and praise once he has calmed down.
Increase the amount of time you spend with your dog
Dogs are highly sensitive and pack-oriented animals. They despise being alone. Spend more time with your dog if you find that he or she is wailing excessively because he or she is lonely. With your dog, engage in line play, mental stimulation, and games. Walk your dog for longer periods of time. These exercises will tire out your dog and keep him from wailing excessively.
When you need to leave your dog alone in the house, make sure he or she has enough plush goodies, toys, and chew toys to keep his or her body occupied for the duration.