With over 25,000 diverse species, orchids comprise the largest family of blooming flowers on earth. While these exotic beauties originate in tropical locales, advances in hybridization allow many varieties to thrive as houseplants.
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How to Grow Orchids Indoors | Cultivating Beauty in Your Home |
With the right growing conditions, orchid enthusiasts can cultivate these botanical marvels at home, enjoying colourful, sculptural blooms year after year.
Follow this comprehensive indoor orchid care guide to successfully transition these greenhouse favorites into your living space. Discover proper potting techniques, watering schedules, light and humidity preferences and more.
With a bit of effort, you’ll soon be hosting a dazzling display of these architectural flowers in your own dwelling.
Mastering the Art of Growing Orchids Indoors
Getting Started with Orchid Basics
Before adopting your first orchid, understand that not all varieties succeed as houseplants. Shun delicate, frost-tender species from cloud forests and other rare habitats. Instead select hardy, adaptable orchids like phalaenopsis (moth), dendrobium, oncidium, Cambria and cymbidium orchids.
Vibrant big box store varieties are typically sturdy, beginner-friendly bloomers. Avoid novelty-dyed or glued plants and seek out established ones in bud or bloom. This guarantees visible roots and good health.
When choosing orchids, examine roots as indicators of quality. Plump green or silvery white roots with green growing tips signal a vigorously growing plant. Avoid any with brown, mushy roots indicating rot prone to spreading.
Also check that pseudobulbs (swollen stem bases) are firm, not shriveled. These store water for new leaf and flower spikes. Dehydrated plants send up blooms that quickly fade whereas turgid orchids produce long-lasting displays.
Prepare growing areas before bringing home new orchids. Most require several hours of indirect or dappled sunshine daily interspersed with bright shade. Sheltered east or west windowsills are ideal, especially for bloom-boosting early morning light. Thin-leafed varieties like phalaenopsis tolerate more light than those with thick foliage. Move plants around until you discern optimal exposures for each one.
Perfect Potting Practices
Orchids generally thrive while slightly root-bound in porous planters allowing swift drainage. Replant new acquisitions in specialized orchid pots or converted vessels with ample holes. For phalaenopsis, choose transparent containers allowing you to monitor root health. Standard terra cotta pots work for varieties like cymbidiums and dendrobiums. Mount epiphytes onto slatted wood baskets or plaques.
Use loose, airy potting mixes like fir bark chips, sphagnum moss, perlite and charcoal. Avoid standard potting soil, which suffocates orchid roots. For sturdy varieties like cymbidiums, incorporate some moss peat to retain moisture and nutrition. Top off pots with decorative mulches like pebbles, shells or moss. Then situate them on humidity trays filled with pebbles and water.
When repotting, only shift plants every two to three years as new roots emerge. Trim dead roots first and divide congested masses gently with sterilized shears. Soak old potting mix beforehand so it releases easily without damage. Reset divisions or root balls in clean containers using fresh, appropriate media. Then resume previous care regimens without fertilizing until they are established.
Ideal Light and Temperature Ranges
While specific lighting, heating and humidity preferences vary among orchid species, most share key commonalities. In general, they require 10 to 14 hours under bright grow lights or in warm windows receiving ample indirect sunlight. Leaf scorching, failure to bloom or leggy, weak growth indicates too much light. Invest in adjustable floor lamps to tweak exposures as needed.
Daytime temperatures between 70 – 80° F suit most household orchids, while 10 – 15° cooler nights sometimes stimulate blossoms. Avoid cold drafts and drying heat sources when positioning plants. In winter, group pots atop humidity trays filled with pebbles and water then place in bright southern windows. Move them outdoors in summer if accretion climates permit. Monitor new locations for signs of distress and adjust as needed.
Essential Watering Techniques
Orchids showcase their thirst with drooping leaves and shriveled pseudobulbs. Water immediately once these warning signs appear. Otherwise, adhere to a schedule based on your plant's growth cycle. For example, prolific bloomers like phalaenopsis need more regular watering than dormant dendrobiums. During active growth phases, aim for one thorough watering weekly. Routinely flushing pots prevents mineral buildups while mimicking tropical rainstorms.
Always rely on weight rather than soil appearance to gauge water needs. Lift dry pots for a heftier sensation compared to freshly saturated ones. Most orchids require excellent drainage coupled with moisture-retaining potting media. Allow excess water to fully strain into saucers rather than sitting in soggy soil. Elevate pots using pebbles or mesh to enhance air circulation and dryness.
To water properly, submerge entire small pots in buckets for 20 minutes until bubbles cease. For larger plants or mounted specimens, repeatedly pour room temperature water over potting media until it drains freely. Never ice or freeze orchids’ roots. Allow them to fully dry before returning plants to decorative cachepots. Refill reservoirs of self-watering setups like ice cube trays or hanging water globes as needed between deep waterings.
Feeding Orchids Organically
While most potted plants thrive on regular fertilizer, orchids require special formulations tailored to their seasonal growth cycles. Specific bloom-boosting orchid foods release key nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at proper ratios as potting media naturally degrade. Look for balanced formulas listed as 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 percentages guaranteed not to burn delicate roots.
Alternatively, supplement plain water every few weeks with household options like diluted banana tea, diluted molasses and diluted fish emulsion. Many epiphytes like dendrobiums absorb extra nutrition and moisture through their leaves and swollen pseudobulbs in place of extensive roots. An organic seaweed foliar spray meets these aerial feeders’ needs while helping regulate healthy bacterial and fungal levels naturally.
Apply liquid feeds weekly at 25% strength from spring through fall. Then slowly wean plants off fertilizer during winter dormancy. Always rinse leaves and crown after feeding to prevent chemical buildup. Observe for signs of stress like leaf browning, root burning or stunted growth and adjust your regimen accordingly.
Essential Pruning and Grooming
A sterile razor, shears and a handful of orchid plant clips are essential grooming tools. Carefully snip away yellowing leaves or spent flower spikes near their origin. Prune dying roots and aerial shoots using a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution to avoid spreading infections. Use clips to secure newly potted specimens and train wayward growth.
Certain orchids regenerate best when pruned to provoke new offshoots or back bulbs. Varieties like phalaenopsis form keikis or “baby” plantlets along spent blooms that can be detached and potted up. Clipped dendrobium canes regenerate as long as several healthy nodes remain. Always sterilize cutting tools between plants to prevent transmitting diseases. New growth will often appear within several weeks following judicious pruning.
Combating Common Houseplant Pests
While botanical incest and hybrid hardiness make most household orchids pest-resistant, familiar foes like aphids, mealybugs, scale, fungus gnats and spider mites do sometimes pose problems. Start preventatively by quarantining new plants for a few weeks. Use sterile pruning tools when propagating and top dressing pots with sand or diatomaceous earth.
Closely monitor plants, especially along leaf undersides and junctions. Speckling, stippling, honeydew residues or frass indicate infestations requiring prompt action. Start by gently rinsing plants to dislodge populations. For minimal infestations, wipe down leaves with diluted neem oil or insecticidal soap mixed with pure aloe gel to avoid burning.
If pests persist, employ targeted organic controls like horticulture oil, spinosad, azadirachtin or Bacillus thuringiensis formulas. Beneficial mini-wasps and ladybugs make short work of dangerous scale infestations. Always follow label instructions and rinse plants after treatment. Combine controls with propagation isolation and extra vigilance going forward.
Achieving Orchid Blooming Success
While individual orchid species boast unique blooming seasons and initiation requirements, most cultivated varieties flower during winter and early spring. Ensure plants remain evenly warm and bright through darker months. Come January, begin regular feeding with bloom-boosting orchid fertilizer to fuel the extra energy expense blooms demand.
Certain genera like phalaenopsis rebloom automatically give excellent care. Others like cymbidiums produce flowers only after a cool resting period. Dendrobiums bloom upon reaching maturity while Miltonia and Odontoglossum orchids require exposure fluctuations to flower. Providing the right seasonal cues for your particular orchids encourages yearly blooms. Be prepared as the average orchid houseplant flowers for six to eight spectacular weeks at a time.
With endless dazzling varieties to choose from, orchids elevate any indoor space with sophisticated color and architectural distinctions other houseplants can’t match. By understanding individual light, humidity and nutrition requirements, the casual collector can cultivate these gorgeous epiphytes at home. When provided the proper growing conditions orchids need to thrive, these exotic beauties will continue producing showy floral displays year after year. Soon you’ll be sharing the welcoming habitat of your home with a lively living orchid collection.